The Mindset Map
I bet you've heard people say that 'you already have everything within you to achieve whatever you want to achieve' and if you're anything like me you've probably rolled your eyes at that too! The truth is that the potential of every single one of us is truly and completely limitless but unfortunately it is not as simple as just blind faith and optimism that everything will work out! What we do need is that missing part of the puzzle and that for so many of us is our own mindset - ie the thoughts we have, the stories we tell ourself and the beliefs we cling on to!
The Mindset Map Podcast will help you to navigate your path to confidence, joy and success. Like a sat nav for your brain!
Every week I will share a coffee catch-up episode with you - a quick thought from my brain to yours to inspire and help you on your own mindset journey. Believe me, I know how hectic life can be whilst you are spinning all the many plates that life throws at you so these short episodes are designed to give you a quick boost on those days when your time is more limited!
And then once a month, I'll share a longer episode where I can dive deeper into a particular topic or be joined by a special guest to share their own mindset journey with you.
I can't wait to get started on this journey with you and help you unlock your own potential by harnessing the sheer power of your fabulous brain!
Whatever you want in life and in business, it all starts with mindset...
And if you want more of this kind of content be sure to follow me, I'm at @rachelbloomfieldcoaching on all the socials.
The Mindset Map
Mums' Night Out Podcast Trailer
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Hey there busy Mum! I see you and I know how hectic your life can be but give me two minutes to introduce you to Mums' Night Out because I want to help you!
I know that Mum life can feel, at best, a glorious juggle and, at worst, overwhelming chaos! Mum’s Night Out is the podcast equivalent of a therapeutic catch-up with your girlfriends over a glass of wine (or two!!)
I'm Rachel and as a fellow busy Mum and recovering people-pleaser I built the Mums Night Out community for you because I know you want a deeper connection with other Mums that goes beyond the school-gate chit-chat! The Mums Night Out Facebook group is a supportive and inspiring community to help you discover your true-self underneath the label of 'Mum'! Head to mumsnightout.com/community to get involved.
The Mums' Night Out podcast has two episode formats - our full-length episodes are released every other week (usually!!) and I'm joined by my lovely friend and co-host Sophie where we get beyond the small-talk and chat everything from family life to friendships, work to wine, self-care to self-development, money to motivation, healthy(ish) eating to hobbies, love, life and everything in between! Every Tuesday morning I also release a quick coffee catch-up episode, a weekly thought from one Mum to another! A 5 minute episode to listen to whilst downing your coffee before the baby wakes up, or you have to start work or head out on the school run!
I know you'll love this podcast and you won't want to miss any episodes so make sure you hit that follow button! And to help other Mums discover it too, please consider leaving a rating and review on Apple podcasts.
If you love nothing more than a good old chat with your friends, putting the World to rights and sharing ideas then this podcast is for you! We don’t have all the answers, far from it, but we're not afraid to ask the questions and, just like any good night out with your Mum friends, where the chat goes nobody knows… So grab a glass of wine, stick in your headphones and let’s have a Mum’s Night Out...
If you'd like to connect with us on social media them come and follow us at @mumsnightoutpodcast over on Facebook or Instagram.
If you want to be the first to know about upcoming Mums' Night Out events then sign up to our email list here.
You can also come over and join our growing community of like-minded Mums in our brand new Mums' Night Out Facebook group!